Posts Tagged ‘kites’

AVIATION! nan turpin photograph

nan turpin photographs

More news from Wabash Avenue in Chicago: yesterday’s old fashioned art school carnival.  This one’s “Manifest” at Columbia College.

Despite the current vicissitudes of higher ed. these students are up for acting arty, in the cold, drizzle, and dim of a Spring Day.  

Here’s a DIY parade:  squint quick through these snapshots for a history of flight, from kite to aeroplanes and aviatrixes and it all starts with a Big Girl, Head in Clouds.

These days college, learning, are all twisted up with big money, big debt, big career, big pressure.  Primary Source has been sensing a change in students and right now we’ve got a good crew of them out there.  They’ve put their little aviator’s caps on and we think they’re trying to get things right!  Ready for take off, here they come!

Congratulations from Primary Source to all the ones of all ages graduating on behalf of the many not the few.  Ready for take off!
